Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Vacation in Austria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vacation in Austria - Essay Example When we landed in Vienna, the capital city of Austria, we were received by guides working for the travel agent we had sourced to assist us throughout our stay. The weather was unsurprisingly cooler since Austria’s climate is temperate in nature. From the airport, we were taken to the hotel where we would live for the duration of our vacation. It was located about 5 kilometres from the airport. On the way to the hotel, my sister marvelled at how clean and serene the city was, but the taxi driver remarked that her observation was informed by our location: the outskirts of the city. According to him, the central business district was livelier, busier, noisier, and more chaotic. At night, we were served a buffet meal consisting of, among others, roast potatoes, vegetable salads, roasted lamb, grilled chicken, and dessert. In the morning, we set off for our first attraction: Seefold skiing resort. This resort has one of the best terrains that suits skiers who are in the beginner or intermediate levels (Costa, Panyik, & Buhalis, 2014:42). We practiced skating while taking the features of its amazing nature reserve. After that, we proceeded to Hohensalzburg Castle, which is one of the most well-maintained and largest medieval cast les in the European continent. Its location at the peak Festungsberg Mountain makes it seem like it is towering above and staring down at the city of Salzburg (Costa, Panyik, & Buhalis, 2014:45). However, the most exciting attraction in the castle was the â€Å"Salzburg Bull.† This is an organ that has more than 200 pipes. It is a spectacular piece of medieval design and a symbol of Salzburg’s identity. Over the remaining period of our vacation, we visited other top tourist attractions such as the Melk Abbey, the Vienna State Opera, Hofburg Imperial Palace, the Innsbruck Altstadt, St Anton am Arlberg,

Monday, October 28, 2019

George Eastman Essay Example for Free

George Eastman Essay George Eastman is best remembered for his very significant invention which is the Kodak camera. Through his invention, he made photography easy and inexpensive to people. Although George Eastman was a dropout from school, he was able to support his mother and his two sisters, one of whom was severely handicapped . His father died early when he was 14, which is why he had to drop from school. He then worked in an insurance company and then in a local bank where he served as a clerk. Using his ability and creative mind, he invented the first camera which was powered by a roll film. A few years later, he successfully directed his own Eastman Kodak Company. His exposure in photography started when he was 24 when he planned to visit Sto. Domingo together with his co-worker. Before the vacation, he was advised to record their trip so he prepared photographic outfits and materials that are big and complicated. From there, he concentrated in making the long process of photography simple while he was employed as a clerk. After three years, he was able to finish his dry plate formula and patented machines for producing more plates and sold it to photographers . However, his business collapsed when he had to replace dry plates which were destroyed. Afterwards, he used lighter and more flexible support than glass . More developments followed when he used the coat of photogrphic emulsion on paper and loaded it in a roll holder . He again changed the paper into a transparent roll film and roll holder and the first roll film camera was devised. Various advertisements of his work ensued. In 1888, the Kodak camera was formally introduced and his statement, â€Å"you press the button, we do the rest† became a well- known phrase . His ingenuity has made the usually expensive photography available to all. Aside from that, George Eastman is known also as a philanthropist for giving away his fortune. One of his great contributions is the Rochester Institute of Technology . Bibliography George Eastman (2008) Kodak http://www. kodak. com/US/en/corp/kodakHistory/eastmanTheMan. shtml at 4 June See also

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Celebrating Nutrition Month at a School :: Health Nutrition Pyramid Diet

Nutrition Month Celebration Last July, Life College has a celebration for Nutrition Month. The program runs like this: In the morning, the students have a food fair, each level decorated their booth and sell cuisines. Elementary students sell nutritious food like fruit salad, pancit, eggs and etc. assisted by their parents. 1st year class was assigned to cook Seafood cuisines, 2nd year for Asia cuisines and 3rd year for World cuisines. While the food fair is on going, chosen grade 1to 4 students participated in Poster Making Contest. It was held in the Library at 9:00 am. The contest was not that easy because they must just used their fingers and natural food color for painting. A Grade 3 Matatag student won the contest. Aside from those activities, some of the students join the parlor games. Their activeness in the games showed that they are healthy and fit. Some of the games are Tug of War, Stop Dance and Pasa Buko. The food cooking competition started an hour and a half before noon. Each level and section are provided a list of ingredients that they must bring and use in making appetizer, main dish, soup, dessert and beverage. When the clock struck at 12:00, the judges start to taste and grade the food that they cooked. 2nd year students got the taste of the judges and won the contest. In the afternoon, the program is held in the Life Church auditorium. They have Quiz Bee about nutrition. You will see that all of the contestants are giving their best. 1st year Dependable got the 1st place, 3rd year A got the 2nd place and 1st year committed got the 3rd place. After few minutes of break, the Search for A1 child 2008 started. 6 children from the Preschool Department joined the contest. They are all smart and talented. The audience cheered when they saw these children dressed with their costumes related to fruits and vegetables, sport wears, and school uniforms. The mass stood up form their chair and clapped their hands when the children showed their talents.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Roy Jones Jr. :: essays research papers

Roy Jones Jr. was born on January 16, 1969 in Pensacola Florida. Unlike other black boxers Roy developed his boxing skills on a hog farm in a hamlet called Barth, outside Pensacola, when many others developed there’s in the city ghettoes. He was the oldest of five. He had three sisters and onr brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Roy’s father Roy Sr. said that he is the one who sparked Roy Jr. interest in boxing, by play sparring with him when he was only five. Roy Sr. said, “I’d let him pounch me in the head. When I pounched him, he’d get mad and run off and cry. Then he’d come back and want to do more. When we’d finish I let him get the best of me.'; Roy Sr. was also a former middleweight competitor. Roy’s dad made Roy Jr. to fight a 14 yr. old when Roy himself was only 10. The boy out weighed him by 16 lbs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The training facilities weren’t to Roy Sr.’s standard so he constructed his own ring in a pasture and fmade a punching bag with scrap materials. Local kids watched as Roy’s father taught him the fundamentals of boxing. Soon they got interested and a boxing club was formed. Roy Sr. used his own money to buy boxing equipment and at one point sold the family’s tractor to finance the boxing club. This wasn’t enough though because he had to ask others that he knew for money to take the kids to boxing tournaments in neighboring states. The only form of transportation was an old rickety van, which doors were held with metal wire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By the time Roy was 19 he had a amatuer record of 106-4 and became the yungest member of the 1988 U.S. Olympic boxing team. In public the team teased Roy but when in the private they asked him for advice. They saw how he dominated his opponents with cobonations from many different angles. Everyone thought that he would deffinetly win gold in the 156 lbs weight class. Like everyone thought he reached the final round. His opponent was the South Korean Park Si Hun. When the fight was over Park’s face was beaten while Roy’s face seemed untouched. The crowd and the Journalist at ringside all thought that Roy had unanamously won the fight, because Roy also had two standing eight counts along with everything else.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crime Prevention Coalition of America Essay

Crime Prevention Coalition of America is the crime prevention program that this paper will cover. During this paper I will attempt to discuss what Crime Prevention Coalition of America is and what their philosophy is. It will also show the element or elements of the crime triangle that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America program seeks to address. This paper will analysis how the Crime Prevention Coalition of America works, it will also including statistical support, of the success of the program in affecting crime. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America. Commentary on the impacts of societal factors that deals with the Crime Prevention Coalition of America. Then I will attempt to make a prediction concerning the technological advancements of the program and the resulting success or failure based upon those advancements. â€Å"The Crime Prevention Coalition of America is a nonpartisan group of more than 400 national, state, federal, and community-based organizations united to promote citizen action to prevent crime. Established in 1980, its members include youth development organizations, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, federal and state government representatives, state crime prevention associations, and community-based groups† (NCPC, 2012). The Crime Prevention Coalition of America works with all these groups to ensure a way to make safe communities. â€Å"The philosophy of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America believes that: Preventing Crime Is * Everyone’s business * More than security * A responsibility of all levels and agencies of government * Linked with solving social problems * Cost-effective Preventing Crime Requires * A central role in law enforcement * Cooperation and collaboration by all elements of the community * Education * Tailoring to local needs and conditions * Continual evaluation and improvement† (NCPC, 2012). Under the philosophy of Crime Prevention Coalition of America it is everyone’s job to help prevent and control the criminal element. This group believes that each of us should do are part in preventing crimes and making sure that the people who are committing crimes are held accountable. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America brings the community and law enforcement together, because this group knows that law enforcement can’t control the criminal element alone. The crime triangle is made up of three different things they are: target, desire, and opportunity. All of these have to be present of a crime to be successful. The element or the elements of the crime triangle that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America are all three of the elements that make up the triangle. â€Å"The first element of the crime triangle is desire. That is the criminal’s drive, intent and motivation. There is nothing you can realistically do to curtail or eliminate that desire. Once he has the desire, he is looking for a target and an opportunity. A target is anyone who appears to be an easy victim. A target appears not to be aware of their surroundings and appears easy to overtake or overpower. An easy target, by definition, will not put up any resistance. The next element is opportunity. You control this by paying attention to your environment. Are you in a bad area of town? Are you walking in an unlit area? Are you in a secluded area? Are you letting strangers in too close to ask questions – not defining personal boundaries? Limiting opportunities is about being aware of your environment and your intuition to remove yourself from a questionable environment once you sense danger† (Women’s Self-Defense Institute, 2002-2012). With the knowledge that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America gives people in the community and the knowledge that it gives to the law enforcement group it allows people to be aware of the three elements of the crime triangle and it allows you to remove the ones that you are capable of changing. Of the three elements of the crime triangle you can’t do  nothing about the desire part because that is all up to the criminal, however you can change the way you are looked at as a target and the opportunity of becoming a victim. These two parts of the crime triangle you can be taught to manage and be aware of. The way that this program can teach you about the desire part of the crime triangle is that it teaches you to the observation of the people around you. With knowing who is around you, you will be able to see how a person who is acting weird and maybe up to no good. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America works to prevent crimes in many ways; it will also show the statistical support to show how effective they are in this area if there is proof and with the success of the program in affecting crime and crime rate. â€Å"In October 2007, the National Crime Prevention Council, in partnership with the Crime Prevention Coalition of America and the U.S. Department of Justice, hosted the 8th National Conference on Preventing Crime: Helping Build Safer Communities, in Atlanta, GA. CPCA members received a member discount of $50 off their registration fees for the conference. The conference offered more than 65 educational sessions presented by the nation’s leading crime prevention specialists on topics such as emerging trends in crime prevention, bullying, Internet safety, community preparedness, Neighborhood Watch, gang prevention, fraud prevention for senior citizens, and more. The conference provided a forum and training for all crime prevention practitioners to identify and learn about emerging trends and issues and ways to address them; to network with colleagues from across the country, sharing experiences and successes; and to renew commitments to prevention as a priority in reducing crime. The National Conference on Preventing Crime has proven to be a driving force in disseminating crime prevention information nationwide and promoting crime prevention issues to policymakers at the national, state, and local levels†( The Crime Prevention Coalition of America, 2007). â€Å"The Crime Prevention Coalition of America has developed a number of strategies to help carry out its mission of making crime prevention a grassroots community movement and a national priority. The Coalition has worked to * Develop and implement a crime prevention action initiative to enlist individuals, businesses, faith communities, community groups, and governments to implement prevention strategies, tactics, and programs, building on the success of the National Citizens’ Crime Prevention Campaign * Identify, develop, and promote  community-level programs, projects, policies, and approaches that have proven successful in reducing crime * Establish substantive themes for community action initiatives * Foster shared responsibility among Coalition member organizations to encourage prevention-focused reporting on crime * Enhance the structure and operations of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America to help its member organizations provide leadership in the effort to reduce and prevent crime * Create Coalition member task groups to focus on specific issues of concern to member organizations * Strengthen the National Crime Prevention Council, the secretariat of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America, to be the nation’s primary source for crime prevention information† (NCPC, 2012). These are the strategies that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America has put into place to try to get its message across and away to provide people with the knowledge to keep themselves and their love ones from becoming a victim of criminal active. According to the Bureau of Justice Assistance there are still things we don’t know about the effectiveness of these programs and if they are the true cause for the drop in the crime rate â€Å"While there is some evidence of the effectiveness of some community-based programs, there is still much to learn about the impact of these programs on crime. To date, there are relatively few methodologically rigorous evaluations of these programs. As a result, researchers have often not been able to establish whether the program or other factor(s) were responsible for the observed outcomes. Isolating a community crime prevention program’s effect has been particularly difficult due to factors such as: * program evaluation costs; * identifying appropriate comparison areas; * implementation of multiple programs in a community; * small samples; * individualized nature of the intervention; and * Data collection problems (e.g., refusal of stakeholders to support data collection efforts). Despite some positive results to date, evidence of crime reduction or prevention attributable to community-based crime prevention programs is limited. Until more methodologically rigorous evaluations are conducted, it is not possible to determine whether the lack  of positive results is due to flawed program theory, weak evaluation designs, or poor program implementation†(2008). So with this evidence it is hard to determine if the program works or not. There is a lot that goes into a successful program and it is like anything else that is successful in this world, it is going to be a lot of hard work and it will require a lot of time to go into it to make it a success. There is an old saying that anything worth having is worth working for and nothing comes easy. This includes crime free communities to have a crime free community you have to work hard at it. Societal factors that deals with the Crime Prevention Coalition of America are the fact that normal everyday people are willing to stand up and hold people accountable for their actions whether it be someone you know or a person that is a complete stranger to you. â€Å"Citizens need to work closely with local law enforcement serving as the eyes and ears of the community. Dr. Warr suggests three ways to better align perceptions with actual risk: 1) Educate people about the context of crimes that are reported in the media 2) Educate them about the facts surrounding likelihood of victimization 3) Address the environmental cues to danger All these efforts are mainstays of crime prevention, which the Crime Prevention Coalition of America defines as â€Å"a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed both at reducing the threat of crime and enhancing the sense of safety and security, to posi tively influence the quality of life in our society, and to help develop environments where crime cannot flourish.†(Crime Prevention Matters, 2008). The prediction concerning the technological advancements of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America and the resulting whether they will be successful or failures based upon these advancements. â€Å"Under the umbrella of the new strategic plan, NCPC will continue to supply resources, tools, and training to reduce the opportunities for crime. In the fall of 2007, through the support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department Justice, NCPC released Volume 3 of Crime Prevention Presentations, a CD-ROM for use by CPCA members. These presentations are in PowerPoint format and cover topics such as online predators, preventing violence in the workplace, prisoner reentry, and keeping information safe in the technology age. Volumes 1 and 2, which include presentations on 15 crime prevention topics, are available free online. Each presentation is designed to educate, increase awareness, and teach prevention strategies. These presentations are  ideal for CPCA members who are not able to travel to training events due to budget or personnel constraints†( The Crime Prevention Coalition of America,2007). With their program changing to stay up with the advancements in technology the program seems to me like it has insured its survival for now. As long as you can change your program just enough to adapt to the changes in the world around you then you will ensure the life of your program. With the every change world of technology and the evolving world of crime these crime prevention programs will have to continue to change to stay up with the changes in our every changing lives. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America is a crime preventing program that has been around for a while now and with its longevity it has partnered up or help create other organizations to help people prevent or fight crime in their neighborhoods. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America was established to teach people and to show people what will and can happen if crime sets up shop in their communities. This program is a successful one because it not only focuses on prevent crimes but it also can help people who have been victims regain control of their lives. â€Å"He who does not prevent crime when he can, encourages it.†Ã¢â‚¬â€Roman philosopher, Seneca (Crime Prevention Matters. 2008). References Bureau of Justice Assistance. (2008). BJA. What Have We Learned From Evaluations of Community-Based Crime Prevention Programs?. Retrieved 10 December 2012, from Crime Prevention Matters. (2008). NCPC. Crime Prevention Matters. Retrieved 10 December 2012, from NCPC. (2012). National Crime Prevention Council. About. Retrieved 9 December 2012, from NCPC. (2012). National Crime Prevention Council. Crime Prevention Coalition of America. Retrieved 9 December 2012, from The Crime Prevention Coalition of America. (2007). NCPC. Mobilizing the Nation to Prevent crime, Violence and Drug Abuse. Retrieved 10 December 2012, from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Destruction of Jerusalem Predicted by Ashkelons Fall

Destruction of Jerusalem Predicted by Ashkelon's Fall The Destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. caused the period in Jewish history known as the Babylonian Exile. Ironically, as with the prophets warnings in the book of Jeremiah in the Hebrew Bible, Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar also gave the Jews fair warning of what could happen, if they crossed him, in the way he devastated Ashkelon, the capital of their enemies, the Philistines. The Warning from Ashkelon New archaeological findings in the ruins of Ashkelon, Philistias main seaport, are providing evidence that Nebuchadnezzars conquest of his enemies was utterly merciless. If Judahs kings had heeded the warnings of the prophet Jeremiah about imitating Ashkelon and embracing Egypt, Jerusalems destruction might have been avoided. Instead, the Jews ignored both the religious rantings of Jeremiah and the unequivocal real-world implications of Ashkelons fall. In the late 7th century B. C., Philistia and Judah were battlegrounds for the power struggle between Egypt and a resurgent neo-Babylonia to take over the remnants of the late Assyrian Empire. In the mid-7th century B.C., Egypt made allies of both Philistia and Judah. In 605 B.C, Nebuchadnezzar led Babylonias army to a decisive victory over Egyptian forces at the Battle of Carchemish on the Euphrates River in what is now western Syria. His conquest is noted in Jeremiah 46:2-6. Nebuchadnezzar Fought Through the Winter After Carchemish, Nebuchadnezzar pursued an unusual battle strategy: he continued to wage war through the winter of 604 B.C., which is the rainy season in the Near East. By fighting through sometimes torrential rains despite the hazards posed to horses and chariots, Nebuchadnezzar proved to be an unorthodox, persistent general capable of unleashing terrifying devastation. In a 2009 article titled The Fury of Babylon for the Biblical Archaeology Societys e-book, Israel: An Archaeological Journey, Lawrence E. Stager cites a fragmentary cuneiform record called the Babylonian Chronicle: [Nebuchadnezzar] marched to the city of Ashkelon and captured it in the month of Kislev [November/December]. He captured its king and plundered it and carried off [spoil from it ...]. He turned the city into a mound (Akkadian ana tili, literally a tell) and heaps of ruins ...; Evidence Sheds Light on Religion and Economy Dr. Stager writes that the Levy Expedition uncovered hundreds of artifacts at Ashkelon that shed light on Philistine society. Among the items recovered were dozens of large, wide-mouth jars that could hold wine or olive oil. The climate of Philistia in the 7th century B.C. made it ideal to grow grapes for wine and olives for oil. Thus archaeologists now think its reasonable to propose that these two products were the Philistines principal industries. Wine and olive oil were priceless commodities in the late 7th century because they were the basis of food, medicines, cosmetics, and other preparations. A trade agreement with Egypt for these products would have been financially advantageous to Philistia and Judah. Such alliances also would pose a threat to Babylon, because those with wealth could better arm themselves against Nebuchadnezzar. In addition, the Levy researchers found signs that religion and commerce were closely intertwined in Ashkelon. On top of a pile of rubble in ​the main bazaar they found a rooftop altar where incense had been burned, usually a sign of seeking a gods favor for some human endeavor. The prophet Jeremiah also preached against this practice (Jeremiah 32:39), calling it one of the sure signs of the destruction of Jerusalem. Finding and dating the Ashkelon altar was the first time an artifact confirmed the existence of these altars mentioned in the Bible. Sobering Signs of Mass Destruction The archaeologists uncovered more evidence that Nebuchadnezzar was ruthless in conquering his enemies as he was in the destruction of Jerusalem. Historically when a city was besieged, the greatest damage could be found along its walls and fortified gates. In Ashkelons ruins, however, the greatest destruction lies at the center of the city, spreading outward from areas of commerce, government, and religion. Dr. Stager says this indicates that the invaders strategy was to cut off the centers of power and then pillage and destroy the city. This was precisely the way the destruction of Jerusalem proceeded, evidenced by the devastation of the First Temple. Dr. Stager acknowledges that archaeology cant precisely confirm Nebuchadnezzars conquest of Ashkelon in 604 B.C. However, it has proven clearly that the Philistine seaport was utterly destroyed around that time, and other sources confirm the Babylonian campaign of that same era. Warnings Unheeded in Judah The citizens of Judah may have rejoiced to learn of Nebuchadnezzars conquest of Ashkelon  since the Philistines had long been enemies of the Jews. Centuries earlier, David had mourned the death of his friend Jonathan and King Saul in 2 Samuel 1:20, Tell it not in Gath, proclaim it not in the streets of Ashkelon, lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice.... The Jews rejoicing at the Philistines misfortunes would have been short-lived. Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem in 599 B.C., conquering the city two years later. Nebuchadnezzar captured King Jeconiah and other Jewish elites  and installed his own choice, Zedekiah, as king. When Zedekiah rebelled 11 years later in 586 B.C., Nebuchadnezzars destruction of Jerusalem was as merciless as his Philistine campaign. Sources: Exile of the Jews - Babylonian Captvity, Fury of Babylon by Lawrence E. Stager, Israel: An Archaeological Journey (Biblical Archaeology Society, 2009). The Oxford Study Bible with the Apocrypha, New Revised Standard Version (1994 Oxford University Press). Comments? Please post in forum thread.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chipko Movement Case Study Essay Example

Chipko Movement Case Study Essay Example Chipko Movement Case Study Essay Chipko Movement Case Study Essay Case Study on Chipko Movement The Chipko movement of the Uttarakhand region in the northwest part of India began as a communal reaction of local villagers to protect their forests from commercial deforestation practices. The term Chipko which literally means to embrace, was designated to these villagers who reacted by actually hugging the trees. It became so popular that the movement spread throughout all of India and different parts of Asia. Local women of the region are central to the movements success and continue to be its backbone. In fact over the decades, Chipko has been known for its ecofeminist strategies. This case study will examine the development of the envrionmental problems over the decades and study the social and cultural elements implicit in the communities of the Uttarkhand Himalyan region. From 1815 to 1949 Uttarakhand was divided into two kingdoms, Tehri Garhwal state and the colonial territory of Kumaun (Shiva, 7). The political structure of hill society in those two kingdoms was distinct from the rest of India in that along with the prescense of communal tradition, there as an absence of sharp class division (Shiva 14). The land was understood to belong to the community rather as a whole even though there was a caste system in place. The natural environment for the hill people consisted of a system of tillage and methods of crop rotation (Shiva 15). The production was directed towards subsistence in which the surplus was exported to Tibet and southwards to the plains. In fact, the communities living in the hill usually had six months of stock in grain with supplement of fish, fruit, vegetable, and animal meat (Shiva, 15). The hill district constituted over 60% of owner-cultivators and 80% of the total population farmed with the help of family labour. By the turn of the century, nine-tenths of the hill men cultivated with full-ownership rights . The absence of sharp inequalities in land ownership within body cultivating propietors who formed bulk populationwas basis for sense solidarity village community. Because those who owned worked community together to sustain their existence. men not only maintained household economy by collecting fooder fuel and food family they equally with husbands field cultivated reared cattle as well. The absence of intermediaries and class divisions within the villages is also due to the ecological characteristics of mountain society. look at page 30 for the way tradition played a role in the preservation of the environment and the way villagers worked with nature. The building of railway network that began the science forestry and social change of the community. Forestr y in Gharwal Forestry in Kumaun Early Resistence to the forestry techniques and rules. In the recent decades, the availability of natural resources to the rural communities of the Uttarakhand region as well as in other rural communities has eroded tremendously due to two linear, interrelated processes that have undermined the traditional institutional arrangement of resource use and management which existed in many of the areas: 1) the degradation of the forests both in quantity and quality and 2) the appropriation of land by state to preferred ndividuals and the privatization of land to timber or profit-seeking corporations. As a result there has been a shift away from community resource management and control which was proven to be more effective in ecological regeneration and deteriorating soil conditions, depleting water resources, and disappearing forests. Although there is no exact data as to the extent of the degeneration, there is enough that indicates the depletion of the resources as real and substantial, increasing at a rapid rate under the control of external hands.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Beluga Whale, the Little Whale That Loves to Sing

The Beluga Whale, the Little Whale That Loves to Sing The beloved beluga whale is known as the canary of the sea for its repertoire of songs. Beluga whales live mainly in colder seas, and get their name from the Russian word bielo for white.   Why Do Beluga Whales Sing? Beluga whales are extremely social creatures, like their close cousins, the dolphins and porpoises. A pod (group) of belugas can number in the hundreds. They migrate and hunt together, often in murky seas under the ice. Beluga whales communicate with each other in these tough conditions by singing. The beluga whale has a melon-shaped structure on the top of its head that enables it to produce and direct sounds. It can make an astounding array of different noises, from whistles to chirps and everything in between. Captive belugas have even learned to mimic human voices. In the wild, beluga whales use their songs to talk to other members of their pod. Theyre equipped with well-developed hearing, so the back and forth between whales   in a group can get quite chatty. Belugas also use their melon for echolocation, using sound to help them navigate in dark waters where visibility may be limited. What Do Beluga Whales Look Like? The beluga whale is easy to identify by its distinctive white color and humorously bulbous head. The beluga is one of the smallest whale species, reaching an average of 13 feet in length, but it can weigh over 3,000 pounds thanks to its thick layer of blubber. Instead of dorsal fins, they have a prominent dorsal ridge. Young beluga whales are grey, but gradually lighten in color as they mature. A beluga whale in the wild has a lifespan of 30-50 years, although some scientists believe they can live as long as 70 years. Beluga whales are unique among whales for several unusual abilities. Because their cervical vertebrae arent fused together as in other whale species, belugas can move their heads in all directions – up and down and side to side. This flexibility likely helps them pursue prey. They also have the unusual habit of shedding their outer layer of skin each summer. The beluga will find a shallow body of water lined with gravel, and rub its skin against the rough stones to scrape the old layer off. What Do Beluga Whales Eat? Beluga whales are opportunistic carnivores. Theyre known to feed on shellfish, mollusks, fish, and other marine life, from squid to snails. The Beluga Whale Life Cycle Beluga whales mate in the spring, and the mother carries her developing calf for 14-15 months. The whale moves to warmer waters before giving birth, because her newborn calf doesnt have enough blubber to survive in the cold. Whales are mammals, and so the beluga calf relies on its mother to nurse for the first few years of its life. A female beluga whale reaches reproductive age between 4 and 7 years old, and can give birth to a calf about every two or three years. Males take longer to reach sexual maturity, at about 7 to 9 years of age. How Are Beluga Whales Classified? The beluga is most closely related to the narwhal, the unicorn whale with a horn on its head. They are the only two members of the family of white whales. Kingdom - Animalia (animals)Phylum - Chordata (organisms with a dorsal nerve cord)Class – Mammalia (mammals)Order – Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises)Suborder – Odontoceti (toothed whales)Family - Monodontidae (white whales)Genus – DelphinapterusSpecies – Delphinapterus leucas Where Do Beluga Whales Live? Beluga whales inhabit the cold waters of the northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Arctic Sea. They live mainly in the high latitudes around Canada, Greenland, Russia, and Alaska in the U.S. Belugas are sometimes spotted around northern Europe. Beluga whales prefer shallow waters along the coast, and will swim into river basins and estuaries. They dont seem bothered by changes of salinity, which enables them to move from the salty ocean water to freshwater rivers without issue. Are Beluga Whales Endangered? The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) designates the beluga whale as a near threatened species. However, this global designation does not take into account some specific beluga populations that may be at greater risk of decline. Beluga whales were previously designated as vulnerable, and they are still hunted for food and caught for captive display in some parts of their range. Sources: Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website. Accessed online June 16, 2017. Delphinapterus leucas, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species website. Accessed online June 16, 2017. The mysterious squeaks and whistles of beluga whales, by Lesley Evans Ogden, BBC website, 20 January 2015. Accessed online June 16, 2017.Facts About Beluga Whales, by Alina Bradford, LiveScience website, 19 July 2016. Accessed online June 16, 2017.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

European Union Law - Essay Example Section 2(2) of the ECA enables such legislations to be enacted locally in the U.K. This is the enabling provision to repeal domestic laws inconsistent with EC law.3 The Directive comes into force once the set time limit has expired. If the Directive’s provisions are directly effective, an individual can invoke the provisions of the directive before a national court if the time limit has expired and accident occurred after the expiry of the time limit for transposition. The Commission may also bring action under article 258 of TFEU against the Member State. It can also bring an action against the Member State during the period of transposition or before the expiry of the set deadline if it finds that Member State has not taken national measures as in the present case, which can compromise the result envisaged by the Directive. In the case of Directives, they should be transposed within the time specified by the Commission failing which actions could be taken against the Govern ment in the national as well as European Courts. Infarction proceedings before the European Court of Justice can be initiated by the Commission as provided for under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. The Commission can also invoke article 228 in case a member State fails to rectify the lapse even after Article 226 proceedings, which can impose a lump sum fine on the State or an ongoing fine on a daily basis until the breach of law is corrected4. Recently, Ireland lost a case in the European Court of Justice in April 2013 for having failed to transpose the Article 8 of EU Directive 2008/94. In this case of No 398/11 Commission v Ireland, the court has stated at para 48 â€Å"Individuals harmed have a right to reparation against a Member State† if three conditions are fulfilled: There must be an infringement of EU law conferring certain rights to the citizens; the infringement must be serious; and direct causal link between the lapse and the damage to the individuals must be establ ished 5 Liability of the State arises from Article 4 (3) of TFEU which the national courts must ensure in the event of rights conferred by EU law on individuals being denied. To constitute a state liability, there must be a breach of EU law, attributable to the Member State and it must have caused damage to individual(s) as mentioned in the Francovich principle which arose out of Francovich case (1991)6 resulting from violation of the EU Directive which the Member State failed to transpose. Failure to implement can be total or partial. The Government is responsible for violation by different departments and also for the acts or omissions of public bodies who have been delegated with the responsibilities of performance. In Dillenkoffer and others v Federal Republic of Germany (1996)7, the failure to transpose within the time limit itself was held to be a serious violation. Thus, if an individual has interest safeguarded by the directive, state is held responsible for damages incurred by an individual caused directly as result of failure to transpose. This is especially relevant in cases of directives on health and safety at work, equal treatment of women etc.8

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critical analysis of Role of Regional Trade Agreements for the Essay

Critical analysis of Role of Regional Trade Agreements for the Developments of its Member Countries - Essay Example The World Bank also cautions that RTAs improve economic development in one country and negatively impact economic development in another member.3 Therefore RTAs can facilitate uneven development among the member states. This will occur when RTAs divert trade from some member states and divert trade to others.4 This research paper provides a critical analysis of the role that RTAs play in the developments of its member states. A definition of RTA and its historical developments are examined first. The role of RTAs in member state development will be examined in greater detail with specific reference to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and African Regional Trade Agreements and the role that these RTAs play in the development of their respective states. Contents Abstract 2 Contents 3 Introduction 4 I.Definition and Overview of RTAs 5 A.Definition 5 B.Overview of RTAs 7 II.Development of GCC States 14 III.African RTAs 19 Analysis/Conclusion 25 Bibliography 27 Introduction There are ess entially two opposing views relative to the role that RTAs play in its members’ development. ... two decades RTAs have emerged as the â€Å"defining features of the modern economy† and is largely seen as a significant influence relative to globalization.6 By the year end 2005, the World Trade Organization (WTO) had received notification of at least 250 RTAs.7 Since 1995, the WTO has received at least 15 RTA notifications each year as opposed to just 3 RTA notifications annually prior to 1995.8 The proliferation in RTAs therefore suggest that the countries engaging in regionalism have a positive vision of what RTAs can bring them in terms of development. This paper examines the perceived developmental benefits of RTAs and critically evaluates whether these perceptions are realistic. I. Definition and Overview of RTAs In order to effectively analyze the role that RTAs play in the development of its member states, a definition and an overview of the nature and development of RTAs are necessary. It is necessary to understand what RTAs are, how they function and what motivates the formation of RTAs. With this understanding of RTAs, their role in the development of member states can be examined. In other words, development will depend entirely on the developmental objective behind the formation of a RTA. For example if a RTA is formed in order to improve and develop the member states’ economy, the role of the RTA in that regard will have to be examined. If a RTA is formed for the purpose of harmonizing regional economic and security cohesion, the role of that RTA on development by member states will have to be examined. A. Definition In simple terms a RTA is defined as an agreement among â€Å"neighbouring states† in which tariffs and other trade restrictions are reduced or removed.9 RTAs are also defined as: †¦actions by governments to liberalise or facilitate trade

Final Project Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final Project - Research Proposal Example Kinect is a motion sensor input device that is developed by Microsoft for use with Xbox gaming consoles and personal computers and was launched on 4 November, 2010. The device resembles a webcam and is plugged into a computer or Xbox console through a USB port. It has a camera which tracks body movements of a user and a microphone for audio input. The microphone can be used for commanding the computer or console through voice commands. Kinect also features a depth sensor that uses infrared to accurately analyze movements of a user. The Xbox Kinect has been a huge success for Microsoft. It is recognized by Guinness World Records as the world’s fastest-selling consumer electronics gadget. The gadget has also resulted in more sales of Xbox games as the technology attracts buyers to games designed to take advantage of the Kinect’s capabilities. Sales of Xbox consoles have also soared, as consumers opt to buy packages that bundle the consoles and Kinect sensor systems. Through this device, Microsoft has reinvented gaming and completely changed how humans interact with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Detection, Control And Prevention Of Rape Term Paper

Detection, Control And Prevention Of Rape - Term Paper Example Rape-related incidents or sexual assaults are taking place not only in open societies but in closed societies like prisons or correctional facilities also. Kaiser & Stannow have pointed out that â€Å"more than 216,600 people were sexually abused in prisons and jails and, in the case of at least 17,100 of them, in juvenile detention. Overall, that’s almost six hundred people a day—twenty-five an hour†. In fact, many of the criminals believe that rape or sexual abuse is part of their prison life and it cannot be avoided, even though rape in prisons was prevented by the 2003 Prison Rape Elimination Act. In short, rape is a social evil which should be detected, controlled and prevented by implementing stiff laws against rape.Detection, control, and prevention of rapeDetection of rape crimes is important in taking preventive measures. In some countries or cultures, victims often try to hide their bitter experiences because of the fear of consequences from the society . In male-dominated societies, females have many things to lose than males, in rape cases. They may face social isolation, harassing, teasing etc. In order to avoid such things, victims quite often try to hide the rape attempts made by the males. The failure of victims in reporting their bitter experiences related to rape, encourage the offenders further and they will repeat their activities again and again. There are many rape cases reported from different countries in which the offender was none other than the father himself.... l abuse is part of their prison life and it cannot be avoided, even though rape in prisons was prevented by the 2003 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). In short, rape is a social evil which should be detected, controlled and prevented by implementing stiff laws against rape. Detection, control and prevention of rape Detection of rape crimes is important in taking preventive measures. In some countries or cultures, victims often try to hide their bitter experiences because of the fear of consequences from the society. In male dominated societies, females have many things to loss than males, in rape cases. They may face social isolation, harassing, teasing etc. In order to avoid such things, victims quiet often try to hide the rape attempts made by the males. The failure of victims in reporting their bitter experiences related to rape, encourage the offenders further and they will repeat their activities again and again. There are many rape cases reported from different countries in w hich the offender was none other than the father himself. In such cases, the victim (female children) will not disclose their experience most of the times because of their fear of their father. â€Å"In one study, seventy-four percent of women who had intercourse before age fourteen and sixty percent of those who had sex before age fifteen report having had a forced sexual experience (Colb, 2004, p.2). The above statistics show the depth of the problem quiet clearly. It is an accepted fact that teenagers are vulnerable to sex related crimes than adults because of various reasons. Molesting a teenager is easy than molesting an adult because of genetic or psychological reasons. Teenage is a period during which sex hormones develop rapidly and therefore teenagers have a strong desire for sexual

Cognitive Aspect of the Mind at the Middle Age Research Paper

Cognitive Aspect of the Mind at the Middle Age - Research Paper Example In addition to that, physically, Berger (2007) stated that apart from the more fine lines and wrinkles around the forehead, eyes, and mouth uncovering themselves, sagging and discoloration of the skin also materialize due to the fact that the skin of the middle-aged is now less elastic as to compared when they were younger. Moreover, physical fitness decreases too. This, later on, affects the middle-aged through the manifestation of different ailments. These signs of aging are to be the most visible ones, though. On the one hand, the cognitive aspect of the middle-aged mind is also a subject to several criticisms.   Some argue that mental ability declines when people age. In fact, the brain function in the middle years has a reputation that it does not operate at a fast rate relative to the time of its youth.   However, despite such reputation, Phillips (2011) found out that the middle-aged mind is capable of preserving a number of capacities during its youth and all the more so, has the potential to foster some new strengths. In this regard, the focus of this research mainly delves into studying the middle-age process with a particular look at the mind of the middle age.   In particular, it intends to address three specific objectives. First, it aims to understand how the society perceives the middle-aged adult’s mental capacity.   Second, it targets to describe the perceived weak cognitive characteristics of the middle-aged adult. Third, it points to determining what the strong aspects of the mind at the middle age are. Indeed, society views aging negatively.   People attach a lot of negative images to those individuals who are no longer young.   These negative images include undesirably describing the mental capacity of the older individuals.   However, only a few researchers investigated the cognitive ability of the middle-aged adult.   It is in this regard why this research is of importance. Through grasping an understanding of the a bilities of mind of the middle age, this study can contribute to viewing the mental abilities of the human mind positively.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Detection, Control And Prevention Of Rape Term Paper

Detection, Control And Prevention Of Rape - Term Paper Example Rape-related incidents or sexual assaults are taking place not only in open societies but in closed societies like prisons or correctional facilities also. Kaiser & Stannow have pointed out that â€Å"more than 216,600 people were sexually abused in prisons and jails and, in the case of at least 17,100 of them, in juvenile detention. Overall, that’s almost six hundred people a day—twenty-five an hour†. In fact, many of the criminals believe that rape or sexual abuse is part of their prison life and it cannot be avoided, even though rape in prisons was prevented by the 2003 Prison Rape Elimination Act. In short, rape is a social evil which should be detected, controlled and prevented by implementing stiff laws against rape.Detection, control, and prevention of rapeDetection of rape crimes is important in taking preventive measures. In some countries or cultures, victims often try to hide their bitter experiences because of the fear of consequences from the society . In male-dominated societies, females have many things to lose than males, in rape cases. They may face social isolation, harassing, teasing etc. In order to avoid such things, victims quite often try to hide the rape attempts made by the males. The failure of victims in reporting their bitter experiences related to rape, encourage the offenders further and they will repeat their activities again and again. There are many rape cases reported from different countries in which the offender was none other than the father himself.... l abuse is part of their prison life and it cannot be avoided, even though rape in prisons was prevented by the 2003 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). In short, rape is a social evil which should be detected, controlled and prevented by implementing stiff laws against rape. Detection, control and prevention of rape Detection of rape crimes is important in taking preventive measures. In some countries or cultures, victims often try to hide their bitter experiences because of the fear of consequences from the society. In male dominated societies, females have many things to loss than males, in rape cases. They may face social isolation, harassing, teasing etc. In order to avoid such things, victims quiet often try to hide the rape attempts made by the males. The failure of victims in reporting their bitter experiences related to rape, encourage the offenders further and they will repeat their activities again and again. There are many rape cases reported from different countries in w hich the offender was none other than the father himself. In such cases, the victim (female children) will not disclose their experience most of the times because of their fear of their father. â€Å"In one study, seventy-four percent of women who had intercourse before age fourteen and sixty percent of those who had sex before age fifteen report having had a forced sexual experience (Colb, 2004, p.2). The above statistics show the depth of the problem quiet clearly. It is an accepted fact that teenagers are vulnerable to sex related crimes than adults because of various reasons. Molesting a teenager is easy than molesting an adult because of genetic or psychological reasons. Teenage is a period during which sex hormones develop rapidly and therefore teenagers have a strong desire for sexual

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Color Theraphy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Color Theraphy - Essay Example The employment of primary, warm, or cool colors in color therapy has been a fundamental practice in the treatment of certain disorders (Ashby 92). Notably, the use of color in variant settings influences personal perceptions and responses to an environment. This proves that color is actually an influential factor in a person’s take on things. On the same note, individual differences relative to color are evident and have to be accounted for as far as color therapy is concerned. Color has significant influence on emotions, feelings, thoughts, and behavior (Birren 150). This is because color plays an active role in stimulating the brain. Although this stimulation is oriented towards one way or another depending on one’s personality, the common denominator is that each and every individual has his/her color preferences. Subsequently, these preferences inform the manner in which color therapy would work or fail to work for one individual or the other. As a result, approaches to color therapy vary subject to the stimulation attained by any given

Foreign Direct Investment Disadvantages Essay Example for Free

Foreign Direct Investment Disadvantages Essay There is a lot to be said for big retail to come to India, but we cannot simply be taken in and mimic something which is being pushed down our throats because those who make the policy appear to not have the faintest clue on how retail really works in India If there were clear answers in black and white to the question, there would really be no need for any debate on the issue, but the truth is that it is simply not that simple. On a philosophical and emotional level, the answer could be that any form of foreign participation in a domestic market is rife with dangers of the colonialism sort, but in this day and age, while the core concept of being wary of foreign dominance may still be true, the fact remains that there are plenty of ways to ensure that it works on a win-win basis for all concerned. The main problem with the current status of foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail in India is that it does not provide a level playing field to other players of the domestic and small sort. In addition, it appears to take a rather naive and simplistic view on certain aspects, which like myths being repeated, tend to become urban legends. On the other hand, no country can afford to take on an isolationist approach. To start with, it may help to go through the background and policy note on the Cabinet decision on FDI in retail, as put up on various places on the internet. Facebook, PIB) As this writer sees it, with a holistic view of the subject and not just based on jingoism of the â€Å"burn down the malls† (right view) and â€Å"bad for farmers† (left view) sort, but on rational evaluation of larger issues, there are some points which need to be straightened out. Large retail is inevitable, and that is a simple truth, but there has to be larger perspective for public good which seems to be missing from this policy. The people of India come first, including those who want a better product or service buying or selling experience, and at the end of the day i t is their wallets which will decide where they go. But at the same time, the government, with the policy as outlined above, cannot sell the baby with the bath-water, and make things worse. Some suggestions: 1) The present Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) Act requires urgent revamp if we really want to help the rural and agricultural sectors with a better go to market scenario. This, along with rapid introduction of the goods and services tax (GST) as well as ease of inter- and intra-state movement of foodgrain, agri products and fresh produce, would do more to improve matters, as well as do wonders for our conomy in a variety of ways—most of all in terms of controlling prices as well as reducing storage and transit losses. 2) The policy shown above makes a case that â€Å"brands† by big FDI retailers need to be carried across borders without in any way making it clear that the quality of those brands needs to be same across borders, too. As of now we see that with these manufacturers and retailers there is on e lower quality for sale in India and there is a better quality for sale in developed countries—case in point being soft drinks, processed foods, confectionery, electronics, motor vehicles and others. If anything is by way of a different quality for India for price or other reasons, then let it be clearly marked as such. 3) Specifically in the case of packaged and processed foods, the policy does not say anything about adherence to best case scenarios in terms of labelling of ingredients and avoiding misleading marketing ploys, thereby leading to a situation where outright dangerous products are foisted on Indian consumers. The amount of product detail available for consumers in developed countries must be matched for India, too. India cannot become a vast chemistry lab for processed foods or anything else. 4) More empirical data needs to be provided on subjects like â€Å"improvement in supply chain†. India is the country where the passenger rail ticket deliveries, fresh hot cooked food by dabbawallas and diamonds as well as other precious stones by angadias have set better than global standards in supply chains, so the same standards need to be quantified and applied to those seeking 100% FDI in retail. It is not too much to ask for them to match the Indian standards—unless those who made the policy are ashamed of our prowess. ) The investments in retail by the FDI route, when they come, should come only through a short-list of recognised tax adherence countries. The misused option of FDI coming in through known or suspect tax havens needs to be blocked—firmly. Likewise, full disclosures of the strictest sort need to be made on who the investors are—again, these cannot be suitcas e corporate identities hiding behind consultants and banks in shady tax havens or other countries. Unlike what happened in, for example, airlines, Indians need to know who is investing and from where. And in case there are legal issues, then we need to know who the faces are who will go through the Indian legal system, unless those who made the policy are ashamed of our legal system. 6) The payment processing and cash management as well as tax adherence part of this industry, both in terms of procurement and sale, need to be through the Indian banking system. And by fully transparent methods, so that float as well as control remains in India at all times, as is the case in developed countries.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Internet Pornography Influences For Social Issues Information Technology Essay

Internet Pornography Influences For Social Issues Information Technology Essay Internet is the most popular and resourceful source available in the modern world to gather and share information. According to the World Bank indicators, there are 30 internet users for every 100 people of the world. Following is a chart of the growth of internet users over the years. Source: Trading Economics, 2012 When considering about these statistics, it clearly describes that the internet users have been highly increased over the past few years. According to the Mobile Internet research of Stanley Morgan (2009), mobile internet users have been increased in massively over the past years and passed the desktop internet users. This clearly describes that most of the people use their mobile phones or tablet computers to access internet. This has been increased with the mobile phone technology. After the release of smart phones, many people have used their mobile phones to access internet. Theres a saying that internet is like double edged sword, this means that theres good and bad in internet. So its up to the users to use internet in appropriate manner. Most of the internet users use internet for inappropriate things. Pornography can be described as an example of using internet in inappropriate manner. According to the article of The internet porn epidemic: By the numbers (The Week, 2010) 43% of the internet users are addicted to the pornography. When considering about this fact, mobile phone is the major consideration for this issue, because nowadays many people use mobile phones to access these porn sites. This problem has arisen in many countries and grown over the past few years. Most governments facing this problem and theyre trying new methods to reduce this pornography addiction of their country people. This pornography issue has spread many social, ethical, legal and professional issues in every region all over the world. Mobile phonography has been grown recently with the release of the smart phones and tablet computers. These kind of mobile devices introduced with improved technologies such as HSDPA, 3G, 4G, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ providing enhanced internet access which allowed users to connect internet with high speed. This new trend widely opened the mobile users to the internet. A person who can afford a simple mobile phone allowed to access internet with low data charges. This improvement of the technology somewhat caused the people to addict pornography. Internet has been described as the best way of distributing pornography. So it has been distributed in various types over the internet such as websites, streaming sites, peer-to-peer file sharing, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. There are so many websites in the internet showing pornography related things. According to the Internet Pornography Statistics (Top Ten Reviews, 2006), there are over 4.2 million websites and 420 million web pages on the internet. Another major consideration of pornography is streaming web sites. These types of websites allow users to view videos online without downloading. This facility attracted lots of people to the pornography, because most of the people search for this pornography contents in secret and this is the best way to view these types of contents without any problem. These streaming websites are now becoming popular day by day. This issue has been grown with the technology and the internet speed. When considering about the social issues, this pornography contents have spread many social issues all over the world. The biggest among them is family problems. According to the The effects of pornography on individuals, marriage, family and community research which has been done by Mr.Patrick F. Fagan demonstrates that the many married couples children face for different kinds of difficulties problems due to the Internet Pornography. One of the major problems is psychological damage to the lives of the married couples. Most of the wives of the pornography addicted people have been victimized with deep psychological damage (Fagan P.F, 2009). According to the Mr.Patrick F. Fagan, most of the wives come up with Feelings of loss, mistrust, devastation betrayal anger after getting known about the online sexual activities of their partners. And also when wives get to know that their husbands view pornography, they become harshly depressed and may feel unattractive or sexually inadequa te. Another social issue is sexual violence. There are so many sexual violence contents in the internet which can be viewed free. After watching these contents, people try to use sexual violence when they make love with their partners and some people use objects without the will of their partners. According to the Mr.Patrick F. Fagans research mentioned above, this sexual violence leads to marital dissatisfaction, temporary separation, and divorce. The major social issue in pornography is fake contents. When it comes to the mobile phones and tablet computers, many people take photographs or videos of beautiful girls, boys and change them using software with new technologies which are in built in the modern mobile phones. Then these fake photographs or videos being uploaded and shared through social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Hi5. This is a big social issue which makes people so embarrassed and even the governments finding solutions for this matter by adding and changing government laws. This is a huge issue when considering about the peoples privacy. This mobile internet growth and the pornography have made so much affect for the day to day life of people. Most of these fake contents are created by the people who watch pornography. They collect these pictures, videos mostly from the online social networking profiles. Another social issue is uploading private sexual activities to the internet. When considering about this matter, some people upload their sexual activities in social networking sites, streaming sites, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This affects to the privacy of their partner because most of them doesnt know that these contents have been uploaded to the internet. Sometimes these situations make these people to take suicide decisions. Apart from that raping and the affection to the children are the other major social issues which are combined with pornography. The article Web pornographys effect on children (American Psychological Association, 2007) describes that Each year about 40 percent of teens and preteens visit sexually explicit sites either deliberately or accidentally. When considering about this article statistics, the mobile internet can be taken as the major reason for this pornography addiction, because nowadays most of the teens and preteens use mobile devices. This article describe s that the average age of first internet pornography exposure is 11 years. Its very clear that the minds of the children are not developed as adults, so the children can be easily misguided through these porn contents. When it comes to the professional issues, the major consideration is celebrity scandals. This can be described as a significant matter, because sometimes this helps to increase the popularity of the celebrity. Most of these scandals are being released by paparazzi reporters. This is a major issue when considering about the term privacy. Another main professional issue is professional porn movies, awards and rankings. There are some websites and award ceremonies which ranks the top porn movie stars and sex tapes. This can be taken as the professional issue, because people are participating for these sex movies as their profession. There are many sex tape jobs available on the internet. Any person can simply register for this kind of job where theres no academic qualifications required and also can get paid well. The cybersex jobs which are mostly known as webcam jobs are the next issue of this topic. There are many websites which provide cybersex facilities and mostly they consist with image galleries of girls. A person who pays the money through the website can enjoy a live nude web cam show of a selected girl. There are people who watch pornography contents within the office time. When it comes to the privacy, sometimes more than one person uses the same computer. So if a single person viewed porn contents, theres a possibility that the others may also exposed as porn addicts. Nowadays most of the companies have banned most of the pornography websites. But the problem is people use their mobile devices to access these pornography contents and this issue affects the employers in so many ways. When considering about the ethical issues which arise by the internet pornography, pregnant sex videos, videos faking nuns and monks, fake contents and spy camera videos are the major issues these days. There are many sex videos of pregnant ladies available on the internet and also there are many porn contents which faking nuns and monks. These contents arise many security and privacy issues. When considering about the privacy in ethical pornography issues, spy camera videos are the main problem. There are so many video clips and pictures taken from the spy cameras. Most of these clips were taken in bathrooms, honeymoon suites, fit-on rooms, public washrooms, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ These contents violate the privacy of the other people. When it comes to the subcontinent countries like Sri Lanka, most of the people have killed themselves after knowing that they have been exposed. These video clips and pictures are mostly recoded and captured using mobile devices, because they come up with built-in cameras and internet access. When it comes to the legal issues, pornography is illegal in Sri Lanka according to the Obscene Publications Ordinance of 1983 in Sri Lanka. A citizen who involved in pornography can be imprisoned or fined. In late 2011, Sri Lanka government banned most of the porn sites for the citizens. This decision raised lots of privacy problems, because even an adult couldnt access porn contents. This decision somewhat caused of increasing sexual abuses in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka police have the authority of taking into custody of a person who travels holding sexual contents, even inside the mobile phone. Child pornography is another legal issue which is illegal in many countries. According to the United Kingdom law, child pornography will violate the Protection of Children Act 1978, Section 160 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 as well according to the Sri Lankan Law child pornography will be violating of the National child protection authority act, no. 50 of 1998. Considering recommendations to overcome these issues, establishing various acts and strict laws would be much helpful. And also educating the children about sex and related topics and conducting awareness programs will somewhat reduce these discussed issues.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Perspective of Nick Carraway, Narrator of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald

Narrator's Perspective in The Great Gatsby  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Nick Carraway has a special place in this novel. He is not just one character among several, it is through his eyes and ears that we form our opinions of the other characters. Often, readers of this novel confuse Nick's stance towards those characters and the world he describes with those of F. Scott Fitzgerald's because the fictional world he has created closely resembles the world he himself experienced. But not every narrator is the voice of the author. Before considering the "gap" between author and narrator, we should remember how, as readers, we respond to the narrator's perspective, especially when that voice belongs to a character who, like Nick, is an active participant in the story.   When we read any work of fiction, no matter how realistic or fabulous, as readers, we undergo a "suspension of disbelief". The fictional world creates a new set of boundaries, making possible or credible events and reactions that might not commonly occur in the "real world", but which have a logic or a plausibility to them in that fictional world. In order for this to be convincing, we trust the narrator. We take on his perspective, if not totally, then substantially. He becomes our eyes and ears in this world and we have to see him as reliable if we are to proceed with the story's development.   In The Great Gatsby, Nick goes to some length to establish his credibility, indeed his moral integrity, in telling this story about this "great" man called Gatsby. He begins with a reflection on his own upbringing, quoting his father's words about Nick's "advantages", which we could assume were material but, he soon makes clear, were spiritual or moral advantages. Nick wants his reader to know that his upbringing gave him the moral fiber with which to withstand and pass judgment on an amoral world, such as the one he had observed the previous summer. He says, rather pompously, that as a consequence of such an upbringing, he is "inclined to reserve all judgments" about other people, but then goes on to say that such "tolerance . . . has a limit".   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is the first sign that we can trust this narrator to give us an even-handed insight to the story that is about to unfold. But, as we later learn, he neither reserves all judgments nor does his tolerance reach its’ limit.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Digital Divide Essay -- essays research papers fc

Some say the Internet is the savior for the world. It will bring all the people of the world together for universal peace. The great equalizer the educator the cash cow, the greatest communication infrastructure ever. The World Wide Web is the single greatest evolution of technology in my lifetime the â€Å"end all and be all† of killer applications for the Personal Computer. Well what if you have never used a computer, maybe you have never seen one in real life. Would you know how to turn it on, let alone log on to the information super highway? I bet not. America was founded on the idea of equality for all her citizens. The price of a computer is the same for all consumers but that doesn’t make it affordable for all. So what do we do when equality is not enough? Only 41.5% of us households have the Internet in their homes. (In Class Charts I) Most people turn to other locations for example school, work, community centers, libraries or web cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s for access t o the Internet and computers. By no fault of their own the Infrastructure is simply not completely in place to allow access to every citizen. Is universal access to the Internet something the government is prepared to provide or something we as independent citizens will do? With the concern concentrated on technology Infrastructure we can bridge the Digital Divide. The Digital Divide is the poverty line of the twenty-first century. It is the term use to describe the separation between the people who have access to, knowledge of, and training on, new technology from the people who have little to no access and no technical knowledge of technology. The term Digital reefers to the format used by computers called binary code. Binary code is compiled of ones and zeros (1001110001) it is a basic computer language. When technical gurus began to talk about codes and servers you might become confused but what if the term’s disk drive, modem, upload download, e-mail was just as confusing. This is a reality for a large section of the population. The distribution of our technological knowledge and access to the technology is not demographically balanced. This division is not based solely on economic factors, cultural and education factors also play major roles. This Digital Divide is a fixable problem and in fact the divide has begun to close. The Digitally Divided population have a similar demographic, usually they ... ...hink of millions of students all being trained on Acme software and Acme systems when they get a good job and purchase there own computer chances are they will stick with Acme and that is how capitalism is supposed to work. So I would say to Acme take a risk on our poor and uneducated they need to have a level playing field. Works Cited Casillas, Ofelia; Los Angles Times; August 4, 2001; An Assist by Magic Johnson. URL In Class Charts Digital Divide Lecture, John Decker, December 4, 2001, URL Johnson, Carrie; Washington Post; December 11, 2001; Microsoft Revises Private-Lawsuit Offer; URL Linn, Allison; Los Angles Times; November 26, 2001; Microsoft Settlement Plan Criticized; URL Newman, Morris; Los Angles Times; January 25 2001; Cyber South Central; URL NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 2000, URL

Friday, October 11, 2019

Anecdotes For Reflection Essay

1. What was the book about and what did you learn from it? This book is about morals based on stories on the holy prophet and the companions of the noble prophet. There are stories about the imams and other prophets too. Most importantly the conclusion of this book is about to guide us to right path. I have learnt three main things about the first one is humiliation if you go to the fifth chapter it then go to Page 52-53 it is a wonder full story about ‘The short and ugly son ‘ I’ll tell you in brief there was a king who had several of kids to which 1 amongst all of them was short and ugly and the others were tall and beautiful the king always looked down at the short and ugly child. But the king never knew how intelligent the short and ugly kid was. To which the ugly boy told his father ‘ He who is taller is not necessary better or superior; a sheep is clean but an elephant like a carcass’ by which the started to laugh at him and humiliating him, so I have learnt never to humiliate anyone to how ever they are. The second thing I have learnt is ‘LIE’ if you lie you will be caught out and your lie won’t stay for a long time. And if you lie then you are compelled to say a lie again till you say the truth. The third I have learnt is ‘ignorance’ if I ignore someone then straight away I have displeased four feelings first one is Bibi Fatima the second one is prophet Muhammad the third one is Allah and the forth one is the person is the one I ignored. And I shall practise this by making notes and try to stick on near my desk so I should remember. 2. Did you like this book give reasons to your answer? I liked the book i have learnt something from each and every section and it has shown me the right path and the right teachings. These stories in the book have made me reflect to what I have done in the past and as the book got more interesting and inshallah I will try rectifying myself from now onwards. and the other I liked in this book is how he author has made sections which was very good and I am hoping to read â€Å"the anecdotes for reflection part three† 3. Which 5 anecdotes did you like the best and why? * The Jews and unlawful food The part I liked is is that when were talking amongst themselves while the noble prophet who 7 years old while the Jews were having food so 1 Jew said to other I Have read in a scripture that a prophet would never go near a unlawful food so they invited the prophet but the noble prophet refused the Jews played this trick on the prophet twice but failed but to which interested was that the holy scripture was right and surprising too. And the other thing I loved was that the prophet was only 7 and he knew what was right and what was wrong. * Bahul the gravedigger There was a person in the time of the noble prophet named mu’adh-ibn-jabaal. Mu’adh-ibn-jabaal told the holy prophet there is a person who wants to see you. When the prophet walked up to the door of the mosque he saw a good looking guy who was crying as if a mother would cry for his son then the prophet inquired why he was crying then the man turned to the prophet and said why should I not cry i have committed a sin which Allah will never forgive. then the prophet asked ‘did you associate anyone else with Allah or did you kill anyone’ the man said so the holy prophet said even if your sins are bigger than a mountain than Allah will forgive them so the man said that my sins are bigger than the mountains so the prophet said are you sins bigger than the seven earths, all the sands, tree, seas, the man said yes so the holy prophet inquired would you please narrate one of your sins to me the man said why not he then said for the past seven years i have been digg ing up people graves and took their shrouds and i sold them. Then the prophet said ‘o’ sinner stay away from me or i fear that i would burn from your fire too. At that moment the man looked down and went towards the mountains and tied himself and wept for forty days and asked Allah to pardon him and then Allah revealed to the prophet that the man is forgiven so the prophet went to the mountains and told him that he was forgiven so the moral is that if you want be forgiven then ask from real heart and inshallah you will be forgiven. * Imam Hasan and the Syrian. I liked this anecdote because the way imam Hasan speaks about the man in this anecdote i have learnt that if your father has an enemy that does not mean that you should be his enemy you shall make good relationships and good bonds with everyone. One day a man sets his eye on the imam then he started cursing him the imam waited patiently till he finished then the imam greeted him and said ‘If you have a desire i shall fulfil it E.T.C’ when the imam finished the man started crying and crying then he said i bear witness that you are the caliph of this world. * The humbleness of Salman Farsi I liked this anecdote because it teaches you how to be humble. If you carry things that you can carry and give someone else to carry it you get a sin and you may end up everyone being against and you might end up by people feet pleading and pleading for forgiveness. Then saying please forgive me as i did not realise who you are.and I have learnt not to give my burden to anyone else. * Isa and the greedy person. I liked this anecdote because it has two points one is lie and the other one is greed there was once a person in the time of Isa and Isa gave money to the man and said go and buy three loaves bread so the man came back with loaves of bread as Isa had engaged himself with prayers for a long time the man quietly consumed a loaf of brad so when Isa had finished his prayer and asked the man where is the other loaf of bread the man said that there were only two loaves of bread than they settled down and started eating when they had finished they went for a walk they saw a deer they sacrificed and started to eat it after they had finished Isa gave that deer back his life the man was shocked so Isa asked again where the third loaf of bread is the man still said there was only two so they went along and they saw three gold bricks Isa took one the man took one then Isa said this is the one who ate the third loaf of bread the man said greedily i ate the third loaf of bread. 4. What didn’t you understand from the book? I never understood that the noble prophet revealed his prophesy till the age of 20 or higher pg 166 it says the group of Jews said to themselves that a prophet would never go near a unlawful food when the prophet was 7 they had invited him to come and eat the unlawful food And the prophet rejected it. 5. What other Islamic books will I read over the next year. I will read the following books over the next year inshallah: 1. WHY I BECAME A SHIA 2. ANECDOTE FOR REFLECTION PART 3 3. A†¦BEAUTIFULL†¦STRING†¦OF†¦INCIDENTS 4. STORIES OF THE PROPHET.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Character Traits of Frair Lawerance Essay

In the play Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence is one of the characters with an amazing personality. Friar Lawrence character is shown as trustworthy, friendly, and a helpful man. The first trait of Friar Lawrence’s personality is him being honest and trustworthy. When talking to Romeo Friar Lawrence says â€Å"But come, young waverer, come, go with me. In one respect I’ll thy assistant be† (A.2.3.96-97). By telling this to Romeo Friar Lawrence is telling him that he can be trusted to marry him to Juliet. Also Romeo and Juliet believe he will keep their marriage a secret, that why they trust him. Friar Lawrence could have told both the Montague’s and the Capulet’s that their children are getting married to each other. Instead Friar had kept his word, and not saying anything because he thought maybe the two households would become closer. â€Å"For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your household’s rancor to pure love†(A.2.3.98-99). Everyone trusts Friar with their secretes, by confessing to him†. This is another way Shakespeare shows that Friar is very trusted. Friar Lawrence is also a friendly man. He is friendly because he cares about Romeo and Juliet’s problems. He is a friend to Romeo because he talks to him daily. In one conversation with Romeo Friar says â€Å"I’ll give thee armor to keep off that word, adversity’s sweet milk. Philosophy, to comfort thee, though art banished† (A.3.3.57-59). This shows that Friar Lawrence is a friend because he tries to comfort Romeo. He also says he will protect him. By comforting and protecting Romeo Friar shows the quality of a good friend. Friar is also a helpful man when Romeo comes to Friar in a desperate need to marry; he helps him by marrying Romeo to Juliet. â€Å"Wisely and slow, they stumble that run fast†. Friar Lawrence attempts to tell Romeo to take his decision carefully. Also when Juliet had no one else was left to save Juliet form getting married to Paris. Friar Lawrence was the one who helped Juliet, when she comes to see him, by making a scheme to fake her death so she will not need to marry Paris.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Research paper b Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

B - Research Paper Example mpetition helps safeguard consumers from damages instigated by in overall proprietors and businesses injured by discriminating competition, it consists of two color scheme normally found on the many of the agricultural products. In the United States every executive agency is legally required to have an advocate, for example for fraud, mainly to pursue and ensure fair opposition. The intention of the competition laws is to safeguard that the consumers reimburse the lowest likely price, plus the highest quality services and goods that they are using. Competition laws allow everyone to do business in the market in the present world. These laws are effected in such a way that the businesses can make a decision on prices for their services and products as per their standards. As far as the services are concerned, they can advertise products for free. These laws assist the government to keep trail on the opposition in the market while providing infrastructure for better competition, or else citizens will suffer. According to the economic theories (â€Å"Federal Trade Commission Protecting Americas Consumers†, web), a nation can become developed only on the root of the actual competition laws. It is also important to note that competition assist in controlling price increases within a given country thus healthy. By decontrolling the sector and allowing more organizations to be able to do fair and free business in the market a government can raise the competition up. It pits customers against producers, manufacturers contrary to other producers; and in this scuffle organization will try to defeat the heart of their customers with any resources required. This can be done only with actual and quality products at the lowest price possible. An endless conflict does the wonder of accumulative quality with the lowest prices. An example of these is the electronics and Information Technology sector in the US. Some of the advantages of competition are: It encourages efficiency in

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research paper about famous photographer Ansel Adams

About famous photographer Ansel Adams - Research Paper Example He started school in 1908 but he was a poor student. He started to hate going to school. In 1915, his father took him out from school and had him home-schooled. During that time, Charles bought his son a pass to the Panama Pacific International Exposition. This Exposition had exhibits on science, arts, machinery and photography. That was the first time young Ansel encountered photography as a form of art. There were three prints exhibited by the great photographer Edward Weston – whom he would collaborate much later in a group project and will become a great friend. His unconventional education opened the doors for young Ansel: He became interested in piano and began to teach himself how to play. He was a serious student of music, and recognizing this, his father hired a piano tutor for Ansel. Her name was Marie Butler and she tutored Ansel for three years. At this point, Ansel was seriously considering becoming a concert pianist. In 1916, Ansel’s family took a trip to Yosemite and on this trip, his father gave him a camera. This trip made him interested in photography as a result. â€Å"With his camera, a Kodak Box Brownie, Ansel’s life as a photographer began – an interest which was to endure for the rest of his life. With his first attempts at committing the magic of Yosemite to film, he demonstrated the beginnings of an immense talent which was to make him a world-class photographer† (1). Ansel was then persuaded to attend school again and he did. He went to Mrs. Kate Wilkins’ private school. He graduated from eighth grade in 1917 at Mrs. Wilkins’ school. His graduation marked the end of his academic career. He continued to pursue piano and music, as well as his new passion – photography – after graduation. Like the way he taught himself piano, he began teaching himself the basic principles of photography. Then he got a job working part-time for a photo finisher in San Francisco, Fred Dittman. T his is where Ansel had his first darkroom experience. Will Dassonville, a neighbor, was a technician and manufacturer of photographic papers. â€Å"It was Will Dassonville who was Ansel’s true inspiration and who brought his attention the true extent to which photography could be developed into an art form.† (2) This picture is called The Tetons – Snake River. This iconic picture is taken at the Yosemite Park and is probably one of the most famous photographs that inspired environmentalism in America. Many photographers agree that Ansel Adams made a huge impact in photography that you can actually denote the history of photography into before Ansel Adams and after Ansel Adams. It has been said that before Ansel Adams, photography is not taken seriously, and was not considered an art form. The photographers then used extreme manipulations on their photographs to make them resemble paintings. However, Ansel came to the scene declaring â€Å"photography is poetry of the real† and eschewed manipulations. He practiced the value of â€Å"pure photography† using only light, shutter speed and other simple manipulations of the camera. Ansel clung to the large format camera even if the point and shoot ones were readily available. Because of his beautiful pictures of nature, Ansel changed how photography was seen (it is now art) and has influenced America about how to take care of their environment. Because of him, King’

Monday, October 7, 2019

Assignment on Teaching and learning practice Essay

Assignment on Teaching and learning practice - Essay Example Boud and Hawke (2003) underlines that it is more important to make the emphasis on the assessment of outcomes and immediate competence, focuses learners’ attention on the present task and how they might address it, that is, in a way that will satisfy assessors (cited Chappell, 2003). Professional judgment is perhaps the most far-reaching and complex parameter of all. In order to check out the performance of a student, a teacher needs to understand precisely how decisions are made. Every educator and teacher should be responsible for his professional judgment she/he makes concerning students performance and their level of personal development. In this case, professional judgment is a very important activity which helps a teacher to assess a student and determine competency of a student. Professional judgment in teaching is a complex activity which requires careful analysis and evaluation of student’s achievements. The main problem is that it is impossible to teach educators how to make the right judgment in all the cases they are faced with, because every student is a unique individuality and personally influenced by social factors. For this reason, professional teachers learn how to make professional judgments on the job. Boud & Hawke create a concept â⠂¬Å"learning-how-to-learn† They explain that â€Å"currently in an outcomes-based framework, this capacity is not developed. Instead, the emphasis on the assessment of outcomes and immediate competence, focuses learners’ attention on the present task and how they might address it, that is, in a way that will satisfy assessors† (Chappell 2003). On the other hand, in order to improve their professional judgments, the educators record their comments which may include an evaluation of what they have done and/or what they are working towards. Gradually the comments become more in depth in some years of teaching practice and young teachers are able to make detailed and perceptive professional

Sunday, October 6, 2019

100% Maritime Container Cargo Scanning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

100% Maritime Container Cargo Scanning - Essay Example Ports of entry were not left behind. Policies were formulated that ensured that any passenger or cargo that is getting into the American soil has to be thoroughly screened before release. To this end, congress introduced legislations that called for the screening of all cargo that is bound for American ports. Customs and Border Protection (hereby referred to as CBP) was mandated to introduce measures that will ensure that any shipment likely to conceal weapons will be screened before been loaded to a ship bound for any American port. Thus, the screening was to be done at the port of origin. This was enshrined in the American statutes on August 3rd, 2007. The then American president, George W. Bush, was the one that signed it. This paper is going to discuss the 100% Maritime Container Cargo Screening issue. Covered will be the background of this issue, the benefits of this procedure and mot importantly, the challenges that are facing this procedure. The writer will try to provide possible solutions to the challenges that will be identified. After the 9/11 debacle, a commission was set up by president Bush to look into the that attack and come up with recommendations that will ensure that such an attack never happens again in American soil. The commission came up with a raft of recommendations, as their terms of reference called for. These recommendations were signed into law by the head of state on August 3rd, 2007 (Mainbrace 1). The act of these recommendations came to be referred to as â€Å"Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act† (Mainbrace 1). It was also referred to as the â€Å"9/11 Commission Act† (Mainbrace 1). The act provided that 100% of cargo bound for American ports have to be scanned (Mainbrace 1). This was just one of the recommendations of the commission as far as American security is concerned. The deadline for full compliance with this law was stipulated to be July of 2012 (Mainbrace 1). Thus, it is expected that

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Earth ans Space Sciences (Meterology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Earth ans Space Sciences (Meterology) - Essay Example The Joplin Tornado is considered to be the most severe tornado in history of United States since 1953 (Storm Prediction Center, 2011) as the optimum wind velocity was about 200 mile per hour that created an enormous damage in Missouri. The death toll was 162 which topped the number of causalities produced by a tornado of 1953 in Flint, Michigan in which 115 people were died; however, death toll remained less than a tornado of 1947 in Woodland, Okalahoma, when 181 people were killed. A well advanced tornado warning was issued by the local meteorological office as well as special updated were released by National Weather Service. A great coordination between meteorological and administrative agencies enabled the general public in advance to take necessary safety measures and thus saved many lives. However, despite of taking all the measures, tornado was strengthened enough that it not only produced tremendous loss of infrastructure but also caused 162 human fatalities and moderate to s evere injuries to more than 1000 people (Reuters, 14 Sep, 2011). This paper explains several aspects of Joplin Tornado which include the synopsis of the incident with the help of real-time dealing with of the event, loss of human life and damage to businesses and properties, and some statistics as well. At the end, few points are suggested for forecasters to improve their forecast related to any such occurrence in future. 2. Joplin Tornado Synopsis A tornado is defined as â€Å"a rotating column of air ranging in width from a few yards to more than a mile and whirling at destructively high speeds, usually accompanied by a funnel-shaped downward extension of a cumulonimbus cloud† (http://www.the Tornadoes appear in a number of sizes and shapes; however they are often in the style of an observable condensation funnel, as their thin end meets the ground and are oftentimes surrounded by clouds containing waste and dust particles. The majority of tornadoes pos sess violent winds having speed not less than 110 miles per hour, however, a lot of severe tornadoes can gain the wind velocities greater than 300 miles per hour with an extension of width well over two miles around, and remain to the earth for a great deal of about more than 100 miles in length (Edwards, 2006). The strength of a tornado is ranked by Enhanced Fujita Scale which consists of six categories depending upon the wind speed. The key statistics that Joplin tornado produced are shown in tabular form below. Maximum EF-Scale   EF- 5 Maximum Wind Speed (Estimated)   In Excess of  200 mph Path Length   22.1  Ã‚  Miles Path Width   3/4 to 1 Mile Fatalities   162 Injuries 1000+ Start Time   1734 PM End Time   1812 PM Approximate Beginning Pt. 1/2 mile SW of the intersection of JJ HWY   & and west 32nd street (Newton Road) Approximate Ending Pt. 4.8 mi. NNE of Granby, Missouri (Source: Joplin, Missouri exper ienced one of the most deadly tornados of the history of United States on 22nd May, 2011. The first three weeks of May, 2011 were significantly quiet as only few and isolated tornados took place, however, by the combined effect of an intensified low pressure area and dry line changed the pressure